توسعه زیرساخت‌های نظام پرداخت (Payment system infrastructure provision)


نظام‌های پرداخت به عنوان بخش کلیدی زیرساخت مالی، امکان اجرای به هنگام بدهی‌های مالی از عملیات تجاری نهادهای اقتصادی را فراهم می‌کنند. به خاطر تأثیر نظام پرداخت بر بخش بانکداری و بخش حقیقی اقتصاد، بانک‌های مرکزی منفعت قابل ملاحظه‌ای در کارکرد کارآمد و امن دارند. زیرا مستقیماً به کارکردهای اصلی بانک مرکزی پیوند خورده و با اطمبنان از پول ملی و ایجاد ثبات مالی محافظت می‌کنند.

متون منتخب از منابع غیر‌فارسی

  1. English Definition 1. Payment systems provide a crucial piece of infrastructure in modern economies. From various perspectives, the assignment of a policy responsibility for effective payment system functioning to the central bank makes sense: An important role of government is to provide, or ensure the provision of infrastructure that has the characteristics of a public good.
  1. English Definition 2. The payment infrastructures include all the specific individual payment transaction, clearing and settlement systems operating in a country, even those headquartered elsewhere. Some infrastructures are designed specifically around particular types of payment instruments. The development of a safe and efficient national payment system has relevance for the monetary policy, financial stability and overall economic development interests of a central bank.
  1. English Definition 3. The payment system consists of the set of instruments, networks, rules, procedures and institutions that ensures the circulation of money. The central banks are ultimately responsible for payment systems
  1. English Definition 4. As the key part of financial infrastructure, payment systems enable timely execution of financial liabilities arising from business operations of economic agents. Because of payment system’s impact on the banking sector and the real economy, central banks have a close interest in their safe and efficient functioning as this is directly linked to the principal functions of a central bank – safeguarding confidence in the national currency and providing financial stability

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